Course FAQ
Below are short tutorials to the FAQ about our courses. My Courses Overview: My Courses Overview ( Accessing Course Content: Courses in a Certificate Program: ...
Where can I find the Clinical Forms that I just purchased?
Once you have purchased your desired Clinical Forms there will be a link that appears near the top of the page that says Download your files. Click on that link to open your files. After you have purchased and come back at a later date, you will ...
Navigating Courses in My Account - course materials, posttest, evaluations, cert of completions
First, sign in to your account at (upper right hand link in our site all pages) using your email and password you created. You will land in your account at "My Courses". Find the course you want ...
Are you CACREP accredited?
All of our board approvals can be found at From CACREP's website CACREP accredits master’s and doctoral degree programs in counseling and its specialties that are ...
Does the Certificate Program in TeleMental Health make counselors a Certified Telemental Health Professional?
Finishing the certificate program indicates the learner has successfully completed the requirements set forth by Zur Institute to be certified in Telemental Health.
What is your APA Provider number
The American Psychological Association (APA) does not issue provider #s. However, Zur Institute, Inc. is approved by the APA, and as such have permission to post the following on our Board Approvals page at ...
Can't complete purchase
"The 15005 response code means that the transaction was declined by the cardholder's issuing bank. The buyer will have to call his or her issuer for further information, as banking privacy regulations prevent the issuer from sharing the decline ...
Viewing/printing your order history
First log in to the Zur Institute web site, using the [Sign In] link at the top right. This will take you to your personal profile, where your purchased courses can be viewed. To see your order history, click on [My Account - Order History], specify ...
Printing to Adobe PDF
The Adobe PDF is a common file format. On most computers, if you can print a page to a printer, you should be able to print that same page to a PDF file. Here is an info page on printing to PDF files: ...